EMASA (Empresa Municipal de Aguas de Málaga, S.A.) is a Spanish public company responsible for the comprehensive management of the water cycle in the city of Málaga. Founded in 1986, its main objective is to ensure the supply of drinking water to the population, as well as the collection, treatment, and purification of wastewater.

Some highlights of EMASA include:

  1. Potable Water Supply: EMASA is responsible for ensuring the continuous supply of drinking water to homes, businesses, and public services in the city of Málaga. To achieve this, it manages an extensive network of infrastructure for water collection, treatment, and distribution.
  2. Sanitation and Purification: It is responsible for the collection and treatment of wastewater in the city. This includes managing the sewerage network, as well as operating treatment plants to purify wastewater before it is discharged into the environment.
  3. Comprehensive Water Cycle Management: EMASA carries out comprehensive management of the water cycle, from its collection to its return to the environment. This involves a sustainable approach that seeks to minimise environmental impact and ensure efficient use of water resources.
  4. Innovation and Technology: The company constantly seeks innovation in its processes and technologies to improve service quality and efficiency in water management. This includes implementing advanced control and monitoring systems, as well as using sustainable technologies in its facilities.
  5. Environmental and Social Commitment: EMASA is committed to environmental protection and sustainable development, promoting responsible water use and conservation of natural resources.

In summary, EMASA is a Spanish public company dedicated to the comprehensive management of the water cycle in the city of Málaga, standing out for its commitment to service quality, environmental sustainability, and community well-being.

Understanding the Opportunity:

EMASA, recognised for its commitment to comprehensive and sustainable management of the water cycle in the city of Málaga, identified the importance of optimising its operations and reducing its environmental impact. With extensive infrastructure vital to the community, there was great potential to implement innovative and eco-friendly solutions.

Implementing Sustainable Solutions:

Leveraging our expertise in sustainable technologies and energy efficiency, we introduced a variety of solutions tailored to the specific needs of the company.

A Sustainable Excellence Model:

Our collaboration with EMASA stands out as a model of sustainable excellence in urban water management. By prioritising operational efficiency and environmental sustainability, EMASA demonstrates its commitment to leading a more sustainable future for the city of Málaga and its residents.

Join Us on the Journey:

As we celebrate the successes of our collaboration with EMASA, we invite you to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future. Together, we can make a significant difference and contribute to a world where water is managed efficiently and responsibly, in harmony with nature and for the well-being of all.

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